Chapman Basketball Academy 3V3 League
We believe there are so many positive benefits of athletes participating in 3v3! It simplifies the game, gives players more touches, and overall is great for development.
We run a 5 week league in Fall, each team playing 3 games each Sunday. This is a formal league with certified refs. Athletes can sign up as a team or Free-Agent (in which we'll form a team with all the signed up free-agents.) There are A/B divisions to ensure fair and adequate competition- boys teams and girls teams can, and most times do play each other. Coaches are allowed for our 3rd-5th grade division. All games will be played at Homestead High School. The Main Contact of each team will be informed of the schedule 4 days prior to each game day.

Perfect for beginners this league runs for 4 weeks in the Summer- every Friday bring your athlete to learn the fundamentals with a 45 minute skill session, followed by two scrimmages. This league is made for learning the game in a structured setting but still incorporating fun for these Little Ballers!
Incoming 1st and 3rd for Fall of 2021.